Mentoring and Teaching

I value interactive learning and interest-based research and teaching practices. I am committed to making my classroom and lab welcoming and inclusive spaces where students are encouraged and challenged to achieve their full personal and academic potential.

Previous courses
University of Florida, Teaching Assistant:
Critical Analysis of Biological Research - BSC 4936 (online)
Integrated Principles of Biology I Lab - BSC 2010L (online)
College of Western Idaho, Instructor of Record:
Environmental Science Lab - ENVI 100L
Human Anatomy & Physiology Lecture - BIOL 127
Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab - BIOL 127L
Boise State University, Teaching Assistant:
Ecology and Evolution Lab - BIOL 304
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Lab - ZOOL 301
Anatomy & Physiology Lab - BIOL 227, BIOL 228 (2 semester sequence)