Ongoing Projects
The eco-evolutionary drivers of elaborate traits
Elaborate traits - traits that are complex, conspicuous derivations of pre-existing structures in a recent ancestor - evolve via intense selective pressure, often overpowering ecological constraints.
We are currently testing the biotic drivers and abiotic constraints on the evolution of iridescence in nymphalid butterflies.
Previously, I used long-tailed Saturniidae moths as a model system to experimentally test how natural and sexual selection can shape these tails. We also recently completed a macroevolutionary analysis to assess the environmental constraints inhibiting further elaboration of this trait.

The evolutionary principles underlying facultative vs. obligate signaling

Some anti-predator traits are constantly deployed (such as warning coloration), while others are deployed only when an animal is under attack.
Currently, I am investigating the role of iridescent butterfly wings as an an anti-predator illusion that becomes apparent once the butterfly takes flight.
In collaboration with a team at STRI, led by Dr. Ummat Somjee, we are also investigating the role of large, conspicuous flags of the matador bug as an anti-predator signal.

Understanding how climate change will alter elaborate trait function
Climate change will have many effects on our biological systems. One impact may be on inter-species interactions that are mediated by particular traits whose development is sensitive to environmental conditions.
I am studying the effect of thermal environment on several elaborate anti-predator traits.