Rubin JJ, Medina-Madrid JL, Falk JJ, Somjee U (2024). The matador bug’s elaborate flags deter avian predators. Behavioral Ecology.
Rubin JJ, Campbell CJ, Carvalho APS, St. Laurent RA, Crespo GI, Pierson TL, Guralnick RP, Kawahara AY (2024). Macroevolutionary constraint and selection on anti-bat moth tails. bioRxiv.
Gough H, Rubin JJ, Kawahara AY, Barber JR (2024). Tiger beetles produce anti-bat ultrasound and are probable Batesian moth mimics. Biology Letters.

Rubin JJ & Kawahara AY (2023). A framework for understanding post-detection deception in predator-prey interactions. PeerJ.
Rubin JJ & Kawahara AY (2023). Sexual selection does not drive hindwing tail elaboration in a moon moth. Behavioral Ecology.
Rubin JJ, Martin NW, Sieving K, Kawahara AY (2023). Testing diurnal tradeoffs of the moon moth’s nocturnally adaptive tail. Biology Letters.
Longbottom C, Falk JJ, Greenway EV, Johnson MG, Ramos C, Robler DC, Rubin JJ, Somjee U (2022). Why does the matador bug, Anisoscelis alipes (Hemiptera: Coreidae), wave its brightly colored legs? Journal of Insect Behavior.
Barber JR, Plotkin D, Rubin JJ, Homziak NT, Leavell BC, Houlihan P, Miner KA, Breinholt JW, Quirk-Royal B, Padron PS, Nunez M, Kawahara AY (2022). Anti-bat ultrasound production in moths is globally and phylogenetically widespread. PNAS.
Rubin JJ (2022). Darwin’s hawkmoth (Xanthopan praedicta) responds to bat ultrasound at sonar-jamming rates. Biotropica.
Hendrick LK, Somjee U, Rubin JJ, Kawahara AY (2022). A review of false heads in Lycaenid butterflies. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society.
Hamilton CA, Winiger N, Rubin JJ, Breinholt J, Rodolphe R, Kitching IJ, Barber JR, Kawahara AY (2022). Evolution of body size and wing shape trade-offs in arsenurine silkmoths. Systematic Biology.
Sedlock JL, Gomes DGE, Rubin JJ, Woody S, Hadi BAR, Barber JR (2021). A phantom ultrasonic insect chorus repels low-flying bats, but most are undeterred. Functional Ecology.
Allen LC, Hristov NI, Rubin JJ, Lightsey JT, Barber JR (2021). Noise distracts foraging bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Rubin JJ⁑, Hamilton CA⁑, McClure CJW, Chadwell BD, Kawahara AY, Barber JR (2018). The evolution of anti-bat sensory illusions in moths. Science Advances.
Leavell BC, Rubin JJ, McClure CJW, Miner KA, Branham MA, Barber JR (2018). Fireflies thwart bat attack with multisensory warning. Science Advances.